Top 7 Bike Commuting Tips
1.Bike Safety Inspection
If you currently possess a bike, do a complete safety examination before trying to ride it. Although most commuter and general transportation bikes are long-lasting, if the bike is just stored in your garage, various components may ultimately wear out or degrade.
Even if your bike is brand new, it's a good idea to double-check that everything is in working order, particularly if you bought it online. It's better to be safe than sorry.
2.Ahead of time, plan and practice the route.
Planning and riding your route before your first day of bike to work is an excellent way to relieve tension. The route may then be downloaded to your cycle computer. If you don't already have one, the best bike phone mounts are great for bike commuting. You can use your phone to navigate while riding.
We recommend taking a longer route on quieter roads rather than a shorter one on congested ones. The trip should be as straightforward as possible.
3.Get Ready for the Ride
We offer a fantastic selection of equipment to help you and your belongings get to work as easily as possible, including racks, panniers, seat bags, backpacks, messenger bags, and more. Your method will be determined by how much you need to bring. Seat packs are perfect for transporting small goods like as a replacement tube, tools, a wallet, and a thin shell.
If you need to carry more, a backpack or messenger bag may be a better alternative. They are perfect for carrying minor essentials such as a change of clothes and lunch.
If your commute is lengthy or you need to transport more than a backpack's worth of stuff, consider configuring your bike with a rack and panniers (pannier racks).
4.Make Yourself Noticeable
Another bike commuting strategy is to be visible. Regular riders don't need to be told to be visible. If you are tired of having to constantly recharge the batteries in your lights or are anxious that they may run out on the way home, look for a generator that will create power from the energy of your spinning wheel. Although it may limit your performance somewhat, pedaling will enable you to create electricity for your lights.
5.Compliance with Traffic Regulations
If required, brush up on local regulations and basic bike safety procedures. Here are a few fundamental traffic regulations for bike commuters:
- Avoid using the sidewalk by riding on the road.
- Ride in the opposite direction of the flow of traffic.
- Stop at stop signs and traffic lights much as you would in a vehicle.
- Make eye contact with cyclists, particularly at crossroads when they are turning right or left. Even if you have the right of way, don't assume they will notice you.
- Avoid leaning towards the curb. Create space for yourself to move.
- Watch for cars exiting driveways, side streets, and alleyways.
- To avoid parked automobiles on the road, avoid turning off. Maintain your straight route. Keep an eye out for whirling automobile doors.
- Give another bicycle or pedestrian a verbal notice or ring a bell if you plan to pass them. Always pass on the left, never on the right.
- Use hand signals to alert others when you are turning or halting.
- Ride with confidence and predictability.
6.Interact with Drivers
While we encourage utilizing separated cycle lanes for bike commuting wherever feasible (they provide for a pleasantly stress-free experience when done right), most cyclists will ultimately need to ride on the road.
When chatting with riders, it is critical to maintain constant eye contact and utilize clear hand gestures. If you can't establish eye contact with a rider, it's safer to assume they haven't spotted you, and you should reply accordingly.
7.Adequately secure your bike
Even the smallest commuter bike is susceptible to theft. Allow the bike store employee to choose a lock that is both thin and relatively sturdy. If you use the same area to keep your bike every day, you may avoid carrying a lock by leaving a big, robust bike lock secured to the pole or railing.